Tired of looking at the computer screens for hours?
A research says that reduced rate of blinking due to long hours of working on the computer screens can lead to acute eye problems like computer vision syndrome.
According to a study published in the Live Science Journal, reduced rate of blinking due to long working hours on the computer screens can lead severe eye problems. The condition, known as " Computer Vision Syndrome", CVS is affecting employees worldwide at an alarming rate.
Due to excessive and prolonged exposure to computer screens, the workforce of most professions is falling prey to this condition, which, in turn, is adversely affecting their efficiency.A common ailment which most employees suffer from is the " Dry Eye Syndrome".
The medical fraternity recommends blinking after every few seconds to relax the eye and maintain its natural moisture. But since most professions involve long hours of computer usage, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to blink at the optimum frequency. According to studies , computer users blink around three times less than they normally should.
The Eye normally blinks about 10-12 times in a minute , but computer usage reduces this by nearly 30% .
Says Sanjeev Gupta, senior eye specialist, " Computer Vision Syndrome is a complex set of eye problems linked to prolonged exposure to the computer screen. One of these problems is dryness of the eyes, which is attributes to the fact that blinking reduces considerably when the eye is focussed on something for long durations. Another problem is the light emanating from the screen. When the monitor is switched on, many dust particles stick to it due to electrostatic force. And this causes scattering of light which is harmful to the eye."
So how is CVS caused?? "Long hours of continuous computer usage is the main cause of this condition. Also, factors like poor lightening in the office, positioning of the monitor and improper posture can also cause CVS.
Ideally the monitor should be at an arm's length from the eyes, but this is not in practice in many office environments",says Gupta.
Another interesting facet of CVS is that even the letters we type and view on screen are harmful for the eyes. According to the experts, reading texts from computer screen should be done with caution. The brightness of the text is highest at the centre of the screen and lowest at the periphery. The unequal composition of colors is harmful for the eye.
Says Gupta,"Headaches and fatigue are the primary symptoms of CVS in a person. Many develop a reddish hue in the eye due to excessive dryness. But it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist if one feels a burning sensation in the eye."
But CVS is not proven to permanently damage the eyes . Still , those suffering from it find it hard to concentrate at work, which affects their professional lives. Though there is no cure for CVS since most professions involve serious usage of computers, one can take preventive meaures.
Says Gupta. " I suggest people apply an anti-reflective coating on the screens. The monitor should be kept dust free and the brightness and contrast levels should be set to ensure minimal reflection of light. Also one should try to prevent dryness. Application of eye drops is also known to be beneficial in some cases."
Do u blink regularly??? CAUTION : Computer Vision Syndrome.
8:35 AM
Thank you for your good information..
Jai Sai Ram
Thank u very much.. :p
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