Tips to tackle Stress

Don't bottle up your emotions. Talking with your friends and family,listening to them,exchanging ideas can reduce stress.

Mild exercise gives relief from stess.When you get angry, take a break. Music influences the mind.listen to some relaxing music. Find hobbies that really satisfy you.

Laugh a little everyday.Spend extra time with people who make you feel good. Live in the moment. Worrying about the past,the future and the things you can't control is not good. Focus on what is happening now.

Think positively. Having positive attitude will help you to assert yourself and feel more in control. Negative thoughts generally produce negative results.

Using cigarettes,alcohol and caffeine cannot help overcome the problems. They can only temporarily mask stress. Setting goals is one of the good ways you can take better control of your life.

Always take time to care for both mind and body. Relaxed breathing is quickest and easiest way to release stress.

Meditation is an effective stress reducing method.